Start with a new account

If you don’t have a Class Code, ask your teacher.

This account does not exist. Please check your account and try again. Don’t have an account? Consider signing up.

Forgot Your Password?

We’ll send a recovery link to

Send link

Forgot Your Password?

If an account is associated with , you will receive a reset link.

Don't see an email after 10 min?

Check your spam folder, or try a different username

Still no email? Contact Support at

ask your teacher

Your teacher has your password. Please ask them.

Don’t have an account?
Log in with QR Code
Activate your camera
Position your QR code within the frame
We could not activate your camera
Try activating again
Press "Activate your camera" and scan the QR code on your login card.
Don't have a login card?
QR code scan failed please enter your username and password
Try activating again
Please change your camera settings or
log in with other methods.
Check my camera settings

Your trial has expired

If you believe you have a working license, please contact support.
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